true stories of

coming out

later in life

Join certified professional life coach David Cotton as he explores the complicated journey of coming out LGBTQ+ later in life. From personal stories to expert professional advice, “Out Late With David” examines the complex transition from the closet to true authenticity.

Do you have a story to share with David and others?

Send him an email to start the conversation.

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In this episode of Out Late with David, Stefan Schneider shares his journey of coming out as gay, navigating relationships, and building a modern family. He reflects on the challenges of coming out in the early 90s, the impact of his sexuality on his marriage, and the emotional turmoil of divorce. Through self-discovery and therapy, Stefan learns to embrace his identity and finds happiness in his new life with his husband and blended family. The conversation highlights the importance of authenticity, communication, and the complexities of family dynamics in the LGBTQ+ community.

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A story of Pride            

David Cotton tells his personal story of coming out later in life to television journalist Chenue Her of Iowa station WOI-TV.

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Hi, I’m David.

Take it from me, coming out is hard.

I'm a retired Brigadier General in the Air Force, a former senior executive in the Department of Defense, and frankly, I spent decades denying and searching for my authentic self. At age 59, I told my family, and everyone else... I'm gay!

Today, I'm at peace with who I am, living an authentic life helping others through personal life coaching.

Join me as I talk with those who've made this journey, some closeted for decades, finally able to share their truth. Their stories are often both heartbreaking and inspiring.

Welcome to "Out Late With David."

David Cotton shared his own personal coming out story as a guest on these podcasts:

To get to know more about me, you can listen to Episode 50 of the podcast, Graying Rainbows: Coming Out Later in Life LGBT+, hosted by Dr. Ginger Campbell.

Christopher Veal’s podcast, The Vulnerable Man, Episode 56, sharing my story related to being a vulnerable man, where I see this as a strength and not a weakness.